
Sweet Petula Trunk Show

Saturday, Dec. 6th 10am-6pm
at Sweet Petula
2717 E. Madison (in Madison Park)
Seattle, WA 98112

Come by and say hi! I will have 0ver 50 cashmere scarves, flowers, and scented eye pillows - all made from RECLAIMED CASHMERE!

And while you're at it, you can have a latte & pastry at Essential Baking Cafe which is next door and shop the other boutiques in the area (Rue de Lyon Gifts, Sugarlump, Henrietta's Hats, Veritables, Plum Childrens Shoes . Then have dinner at one of the wonderful restaurants within walking distance (like Rovers, Harvest Vine, Chinoise Cafe, La Cote Creperie, Cafe Flora...)

You could get all of your holiday gift shopping done - and have coffee, lunch and dinner - all in 1 day!

1 comment:

LoveMeKnot Creations said...

i so wish i didnt have to work today! have fun and i hope you sell a ton!